What do YOU want?

It's the beginning of a new year. It's easy feel the pull to have a shiny new planner filled with goals, a new workout routine, a healthy new diet, a freshly organized home, and a whole host of resolutions.

Have you ever just stopped to ask yourself if those things are what YOU really want? Or, are they what your culture and your society expect from you?

What if, instead, you listened to your own natural instinct? What if you followed nature's cues to turn inside? Look around you, it's the dead of winter, there's nothing growing outside your window, and you don't have to be growing right now either. Winter is the time that nature takes a break, and hides its beauty within. Winter is the time to reserve and build energy for the growth of spring.

I encourage you as we start this new year to sit in stillness, go within, and ask yourself "what do I REALLY want?" And, if you don't want that new planner filled with goals, a new workout routine, a healthy new diet, or any other resolutions LET. THEM. GO.

May your year be blessed with peace and lasting happiness.

Carrie Klaus