Ayurvedic Wellness Spotlight - January 2023

As we approach the middle of January, we begin moving into the transitional period between ayurveda’s vata season and kapha season. While vata season (October - January) carries with it a light, mobile, and often chaotic quality, the kapha season (February - May) starts to bring in more heaviness, stagnation, and lethargy. The more earthy qualities of kapha can come as a relief after what is often a frantic fall and holiday season. Being drawn to cozy afternoons, covered in soft blankets on the couch can be just what the doctor ordered. But as with all things in life, moderation is key. We don’t want too much of that heavy kapha quality to accumulate.

One way we can counter kapha’s heavy and stagnant qualities is by adding a little spice to our lives. It can be easy to get into a rut during kapha season, so we have to be cognizant of staying active and motivated during this time.

When you feel like you just want to stay glued to the couch, remember the following benefits of staying consistent in your yoga practice to stay inspired.

  • increased muscle strength and tone

  • increased flexibility and mobility

  • improved balance and coordination

  • better sleep

  • better focus and concentration

  • more mental clarity

Yoga is a really great way to break up some of kapha’s heaviness, so as we move into the kapha season, make a plan to get committed to your practice, even and especially through the long lazy days of winter.

Carrie Klaus