Ayurvedic Wellness Spotlight - November 2022

Our senses are our avenues of consciousness. The senses take us out into the world allow us to take in the world around us, but they also help us take our awareness inward and become more self-aware. Our senses are bombarded with input each and everyday, and āyurveda offers special practices to care for and nourish each of our overstimulated senses.

Of particular interest during vata season are the ears and the nose (the senses of hearing and smell). Vata dosha has an affinity for the ears and the nose, as sites that are associated with prana vayu - a subdosha of vata that helps us experience tranquility and contentment. When prana vayu is out of balance we experience an exhausted and restless mind. Simple care of the nose and ears can help balance prana vayu, leaving us feeling more balanced and content.

Warm oil is one of the best ways to balance vata dosha and provide deep nourishment to our system. The following practices are recommended for all dosha types during the vata season (November thru February).

Nasya: Nasyā is a sanskrit word that means nose. In āyurveda, nasyā is the practice of oiling the nasal passages. Lubricating the nasal passages with oil helps to keep the mucous membranes moist. This relieves congestion and helps the sinuses drain properly. Keeping the nasal passages moist also helps the tiny hairlike projections lining your mucous membranes, called cilia, do their job of sweeping the sinuses and nasal passages clean. Nasyā can help prevent nosebleeds and headaches caused by dry air, and according to āyurvedic texts, it promotes mental clarity by balancing prana.

How to: Nasyā is easy to do. Simply place a drop of oil on your smallest finger and gently rub the inside of your nasal passages. Alternating between right and left nostril until each has received 3 applications of oil. We recommend using Banyan Botanical’s special āyurvedic formulation, infused with herbs to promote mental clarity, decongestion, rejuvenate the mind, and support the flow of prana. You can purchase Banyan’s nasyā oil on line, or in our boutique! Nasya is not recommended while you have a cold or sinus infection.

Karṇa pratisaranam: Karṇa is the sanskrit word that means ear. Karṇa pratisaranam is the practice of putting oil in the ears. In addition to calming vata dosha, and supporting proper flow of prana vayu, ear oiling has other significant benefits. Contrary to what you might think, oiling the ears is an effective way to breakup excess earwax. Specially formulated ear oil, like the Banyan Botanicals brand we sell in our boutique, also support the nervous system, and help prevent ear infections. A regular practice of oiling the ears can also soothe neck and jaw discomfort.

How to: To make ear oiling a part of your regular routine, simply warm your oil to body temperature, and using your pinky finger, lightly lubricate the ear passages. Alternatively, you can place 1-2 drops of ear oil in your ear and gently massage the oil into your ear. Ear oiling is not recommended when you have an active ear infection, or if you have water trapped in your ears. Avoid ear oiling if you have a perforated ear drum.

Carrie Klaus