Āyurvedic Wellness Spotlight - February 2022

The fiery pitta in me LOVES winter. This season is so magical - especially when it snows! But even without the snow, I find the crisp air refreshing, and I appreciate the extended hours of darkness, the chance to slow down and hibernate in the evenings, cozy on the couch with a book and a blanket. There’s a sense of stillness that accompanies winter. But winter can be harsh to our systems - especially those that are more vata or kapha predominant. By embracing the natural cycles of nature, and learning to live in harmony with these rhythms our wellbeing can be bolstered even as the days grow colder and darker.

Some of my favorite ways to stay healthy and balanced during kapha season (February - May) are listed below.

  • As we enter the kapha season, we should start the process of rising earlier in the morning. Ayurveda recognizes the hours between 6am and 10am as the kapha time of day, where the qualities of kapha are strong. To avoid too much kapha accumulation we should arise before the kapha time of day begins.

  • Add dry brushing to your morning routine. Dry brushing stimulates the lymph system, preventing stagnation and supporting your immune function through the winter season.

  • Use a neti pot to clear congestion. As kapha increases so does mucous. Keep your sinuses clear of congestion by using a neti pot daily.

  • Partake in daily movement. Indoor or outdoor exercise, and a more vigorous yoga practice will help pacify kapha by building some heat, and stimulating the more stagnant nature of this dosha.

  • Eat a kapha pacifying diet of warm, cooked foods with healthy oils like ghee, and don’t skimp on adding flavor with spices, especially ginger, cinnamon, and clove.

Maybe you’ll never love winter as much as I do, but by implementing a few simple lifestyle adjustments to pacify kapha and tune into the seasonal rhythm you may come to appreciate the winter as much as I do.

Carrie Klaus