Āyurvedic Wellness Spotlight - July 2022

I’ll bet it’s been awhile since someone encouraged you to lay down and take a nap. Maybe no one has encouraged you to nap since you were a toddler……..but I’m here to tell you to indulge. Take a nap!! They don’t call these the “lazy days of summer” for nothing.

Āyurveda doesn’t encourage napping all of the time, but to counter the sharp, heated qualities of summer a nap is recommended. Napping during the day promotes softness, heaviness, and cooling - all qualities that are desirable this time of year.

To get the most benefit from your nap, time it to correspond with the juncture between pitta time of day and vata time of day, around 1:00pm - 2:00pm. Naps counter the light and rough qualities of vata, so around this time of day you’ll get double the benefit.

If your work or schedule doesn’t afford you the opportunity to take an afternoon nap try to work in some downtime near this pitta to vata transition. Step away from you desk, sit comfortably and quietly for 5-10 minutes with your eyes closed, phone notifications silenced, and your mind at rest.

Āyurvedic Tips for Napping:

  • Nap on an empty stomach. During summer āyurveda recommends eating lunch before 11am, so you’ll have plenty of time to digest your meal before an afternoon nap.

  • Nap indoors. An afternoon siesta in the hammock might be tempting, but avoid the heat of the day, and catch some z’s indoors.

  • Don’t nap too long! Make sure you set an alarm and don’t sleep too long. Twenty minutes to no more than one hour is ideal. Oversleeping can leave you feeling lethargic and groggy for the rest of the afternoon, or interfere with your nighttime sleep.

If you have trouble shutting off your mind and falling asleep during the day try the yoga nidra practice below.

Carrie Klaus