Make up for lost sleep

Sometimes, even with the most careful attention to pacifying vata, a good night’s sleep just eludes us. When that happens we often end up sabotaging the next night by sleeping in late, napping during the day, or worse, going about the day as if we’d had a full, restful night of sleep (thus, increasing vata tendencies).

When you have a less than ideal night of sleep, start your day with this restorative yoga sequence. Do your best to stay awake in each posture, and place your attention on consciously relaxing your body. Make sure that your body is comfortable and fully supported by props before you settle in for the longer holds. Plan to spend at least 5 minutes in each posture, longer if you have more time.

Turn off your phone to avoid distractions, play some soft music, light a candle, dress warmly, cover your feet with socks, find something light and soft to cover your eyes, grab your timer, and let’s rest!


Keep this sequence close at hand by printing the PDF linked below.

Carrie Klaus