April Pose of The Month
You can’t have a rainbow without a little rain first right? We have surpassed the one year mark of the COVID-19 pandemic. For me at times it seems so long and in other ways it seems like the year has flown by. Nevertheless, we’ve made it through the storm, or at least I’m hopeful we have. I’ve noticed recently in conversations with family and friends, that in talking about my plans for the spring and summer I've often said things like, “I'm ready to start living again” or “to get back to life”. I've been reflecting on those words more. I've lived through a pandemic and have been one of the fortunate ones to have remained healthy through it all, and to have a family who has as well. I’m grateful for that and to be here today to write about it.
This 'pandemic path' that I've been traveling on has been guiding me to live more intentionally and intuitively. I've realized that in many ways I’ve probably felt even more alive over the past 12 months than I ever have. Through the pandemic I’ve been given time. The time to be able to live life in slower motion, moment to moment, enjoying the simple pleasures… which really is living. I’ve also had to really put more trust in my faith and the universe. That to me has been a freeing experience that has also made me feel more alive. While it hasn’t all been easy, I’ve been able to connect more to myself and others in such meaningful ways that have made those relationships stronger, including the relationship with myself.
I guess what I mean when I say, “I’m ready to start living again”, is that I’m ready for change. To take the next step forward while still holding on to all that I’ve learned through the pandemic and want to take with me as I move forward. I’m ready to get back to traveling, socializing, enjoying carefree meals out at restaurants again, live music, to see long-distance family and friends, to enjoy all those freedoms that seemed so simple before and I once took for granted at times. I’m ready to enjoy all those other experiences that make me feel alive in other meaningful ways.
Our pose of the month Sugarcane pose, sometimes called Half Rainbow pose, is the perfect posture to help us welcome Spring and this new chapter and the new beginning that awaits us as we start to come out of the ‘COVID fog’ and enjoy living outside of our “bubble” and comfort zone more again. Let’s get to know the meaning behind our pose of the month a little more and celebrate the sweetness of life together this month with Lalita, the inspiration behind Ardha Candra Cāpāsana.
The Goddess Lalita- “She who plays”
The Goddess Lalita- “She who plays”
Lalita is another name for Divine Mother. The Hindu deity or goddess Lalita is beautiful, playful, and beloved. She is a loving reminder that when we are guided by her we are one, we too are beautiful, loved, and joyful. She is sometimes referred to as the Red Flower Goddess as she is typically seen seated on a lotus flower which represents purity, new beginnings, personal growth, and long-lasting beauty to name a few. Lalita is said to be our guide to fulfilling our desires, and in doing so not forgetting to find joy in whatever life throws at us. To embrace spontaneity and to not take life so seriously. To find the sweetness of every moment that we are alive.
Some of Lalita’s “accessories” include a sugarcane bow, five arrows made of long-stemmed flowers, a noose, and a goad. The five arrows are said to represent our five senses- Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, and Touch - and the sugarcane bow is in a literal sense the tool used discharge the arrows, however symbolically it is our mind. Our mind is the tool we use to help direct us to fully experience the sensations of the present moment. Or it can also be a powerful tool that does the very opposite if we let it. Lalita encourages us to experience the present moment fully by being with the sensations that arise moment to moment, for that is what it feels like to truly be alive.
When we find ourselves lost or distracted on our spiritual journey, Lalita is our sweet, Divine mother with her noose and goad in hand to help pull us back to our present experience- to joy and sensory delights- and keep us on our path. She keeps us safe from delusion, attachment, and momentary desires that sometimes cloud our judgement and take us off course. She helps to keep us in the present moment and guide us back to it when we wander off, so that we can feel fully alive.
Ardha Candra Cāpāsana
Sugarcane pose is a physical representation of the sugarcane bow- your hand grabbing your lifted leg is the bow and the arrow, the flowers- your side ribs and heart. While you practice this pose with us this month, can you practice tuning in more to the sensations of your experience in the posture? Let this connection with your senses bring more life to your practice and savor the sweetness. While it can be a challenging balancing and back-bending posture, tune into your lighter, more playful side and have fun with it. Let Lalita’s loving wisdom and energy guide you to find joy in the experience.
Perhaps also take a mindful moment of gratitude for your senses and ask yourself the following question- What’s the last thing you enjoyed with your senses—a good meal, a song you love, or aromatherapy—and how amazing is it that you were able to experience that?
Ardha Candra Cāpāsana Alignment:
Begin in half moon pose
Standing leg is externally rotated with toes pointing toward top end of mat.
Hand on floor or block about 12 inches in front of the standing leg foot.
Spine in axial extension.
External rotation of top hip.
Flex the knee of the top leg.
Externally rotate the top shoulder and reach back to catch the foot of the top leg.
Rotate gaze upward toward the ceiling.
Repeat on the second side.