Honoring the Mother

In May we celebrate Mothers. Mother’s Day can be difficult for anyone who has lost a mother, lost a child, has an absent mother, or has longed for a caring and loving mother. We can instead celebrate mother’s not by focusing on the person we call mother, but rather, focusing our attention on the energy of a mother - nurturing, compassionate, accepting, and understanding. This mother energy is what we call the divine feminine.

No matter who you are, what gender you were born, or what gender you identify as, we all have the qualities of the divine feminine within us. We all have the capacity for compassion, acceptance, nurturance, and understanding, yet we live in a culture that is dominated by masculine energy. In our masculine dominant culture strength and power are revered while the feminine qualities are seen as weak and soft. Our divine mother doesn’t have a safe space to express herself and so we hide her.

This world is currently lacking in love and compassion, acceptance and understanding. In fact, it seems that we’ve lost our way in the same way a child separated from her mother becomes lost. To find our way we need to reconnect to the energy of the divine mother - the divine feminine - within us. Powerful and profound healing and transformation can occur when we harness and honor our divine feminine qualities, express them freely, and begin to give her space to express herself.

“Everyone needs to look to the divine feminine. This is the dominant challenge that faces every society,

and the future of humanity depends on meeting the challenge as consciously and as soon as possible.”

~Deepak Chopra

So, how can you connect to your divine feminine? Below are a few simple ways to start awakening the Divine Mother within.

  • Tune into your emotions. This world is always telling us to “suck it up”, but what we need is to acknowledge and accept that we are human beings with a varied emotional landscape. Emotions are not something to be ashamed of. Practice noticing, acknowledging, and honoring how you feel.

  • Connect to your body with gentle movement. The divine feminine is fluid, soft, and sensual. Put on your favorite moody tune, close your eyes and let your body flow with the rhythm.

  • Feed your senses. The divine feminine is sensual and derives great satisfaction from sensual pleasures. Buy yourself a bouquet of flowers. Light a candle. Take a slow walk in the woods. Wake up those senses!

  • Be still and listen. Mothers are attentive listeners. They always take the time to really hear what you have to say. To connect more deeply to your own divine feminine slow down, be still, and listen. Seated meditation, mindful walking meditation, and yoga nidra are all great ways to practice deep listening.

“Mother energy is universal. It is the large expression of the sacred feminine that comes from spirit.

It is embodied in all our biological mothers, but its not limited or confined to them.”

~ Elaine Seiler, Multi-Dimensional You: Exploring Energetic Evolution

Carrie Klaus