Āyurvedic Wellness Spotlight - June 2021

Summer officially arrives in June, and while the temperature usually starts heating up long before the summer solstice arrives, the so called “dog days of summer” are still ahead. Those hot, sultry summer days that leave us longing for a cold plunge in the lake to cool off. Those days when you want to reach for an ice cold glass of lemonade to help you beat the heat. But wait……..don’t reach for that ice cold drink too fast!

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You’d think an ice cold beverage would be the perfect antidote to the summer heat, wouldn’t you? But Āyurveda suggests otherwise. While it’s true, and ice cold drink might cool you off quickly it also has a detrimental effect on your āgni, or digestive fire. Pouring ice cold water on the digestive fire effectively puts out its flames, leaving your digestions slow, sluggish, and unable to process and assimilate the food you nourish your body with.

Need to cool off and rehydrate? Try these tips instead:

  • Room temperature tap water (add flavor with some cucumber and mint)

  • Or better yet try coconut water to replenish your electrolytes.

  • Eat a slice of watermelon (just make sure you do not eat melons with other food).

  • Have a few slices of cucumber to help you cool off.

  • Spritz yourself with good quality rose hydrosol

To learn more Āyurvedic Wellness tips check back each month for our Āyurvedic Wellness Spotlight, follow us on Instagram, or check out our Āyurvedic Services page and schedule your personalized consultation and Āyurvedic Action Plan today!

Carrie Klaus