What is Āyurveda?
You’ve probably noticed that a few things have changed……we’ve got a fresh new look, and a brand new name! Inner Spring Yoga is now ELEMENT YOGA AND ĀYURVEDIC WELLNESS.
Element Yoga and Ayurvedic Wellness
You might be wondering what all of this change is about. You can read about our name change here. but ultimately this change is about us providing more wellness opportunities for our community. We are now offering Āyurvedic lifestyle coaching and customized private Āyurvedic yoga sessions.
So, what is Āyurveda anyway? Maybe you’ve heard that Āyurveda is Yoga’s sister science? Yoga and Āyurveda developed around the same time in the Indian Subcontinent and have often influenced one another throughout history — we see elements of the tradition of Yoga in the Āyurvedic system, and elements of Āyurveda in the Yogic system. Both Yoga and Āyurveda share their philosophical roots with the Samkhya philosophy and its theory of the evolution of matter into consciousness. This philosophy posits that all things are made of the same essential elements (the five great elements, or the pañca mahābhūta). These elements of ether, air, fire, water, and earth combine to create everything we can name. Āyurveda is the science of understanding our own elemental make up, and the make up of the world around us, and using that understanding for self-healing and maintenance of our wellbeing.
Āyurveda is the science of Self-Healing. Yoga is the science of Self-Realization. Together they are a complete system to cultivate optimal health, wellbeing and higher awareness. Yoga and Ayurveda share the common goal of uncovering the Truth of who we really are. That is why these two systems are called sister sciences and why neither is complete without the other.
In 2018 it was estimated that 36 million American’s practice yoga, and that number is growing annually. Yoga classes are easily accessible at local yoga studios and gyms, on-line, and via podcast. Ask almost anyone in America and they know what yoga is.
While Ayurveda may not share the same fame that its sister does, Ayurveda is growing in popularity in its own right as an alternative, natural health modality. Most health food stores sell Ayurvedic herbs, and the Ayurvedic constitutions known as doshas are commonly known in holistic health circles. But, healing through diet and herbs is only PART of the system. For either system to be complete both systems should be practiced together. The yoga sutra do tell us, after all, that the body and mind are intimately entwined. For one to work optimally the other must work optimally as well.
So, that’s why things are changing around here. We want to give you the opportunity to explore your yoga practice deeper through the parallel practices of Āyurveda. We want you to experience a holistic approach to yoga, and to your wellbeing. We want to help you nurture your nature.
I bet you’re wondering what practicing Āyurveda looks like. It’s simple, really. Practicing Āyurveda involves mindfully observing yourself and the world around you day to day and acting in a way that best pacifies the elements and qualities that are out of balance. It’s a set of self-care practices designed to support your own unique constitution, ways of adjusting your yoga practice to better balance your personally, a way of observing what you eat to support optimal digestion for your elemental make up. Āyurveda builds your knowldedge of yourself and the world around you so you can live your happiest, healthiest, most vibrant life. Āyurveda puts YOU in charge of your health and wellbeing and this personal responsibility offers the promise of real and lasting health.
Are you ready to find out your own elemental make up and begin practicing Āyurveda? Schedule an Āyurvedic consult with us to get started!