Ayurvedic Fall Cleanse and Rejuvenation

Ayurvedic Fall Cleanse and Rejuvenation


According to ayurveda each season has elemental qualities, or gunas, associated with it and these qualities accumulate in us. Ayurveda recommends seasonal shifts in our daily wellness and self-care routines to counter the accumulation of these qualities and prepare us for the upcoming season.

With this ayurvedic rejuvenation you may experience:

  • improved digestion

  • less fall allergy symptoms

  • mental and spiritual clarity

  • overall health and wellbeing

In this self-guided cleanse program you will learn about the qualities of summer that have accumulated, learn how to cleanse those qualities in a natural way with a supportive ayurvedic mono-diet, and learn lifestyle tips that will help you stay balanced throughout the fall and winter seasons.

Access to the material opens October 1, 2024 and ends November 7, 2024. The cleanse is a 7 day program, purchase before October 31 to complete the entire program before access closes.

Investment: $25 (you will also need to purchase supplies for a three day kitchari diet)

With your investment you will gain access to the Rejuvenation portal, which includes:

  • supportive tips to help you through the cleanse

  • information that explains the process with journaling and contemplation exercises

  • daily yoga and meditation practices to support the cleanse

**All materials and access to the rejuvenation portal are digital, no in person meetings required, so you can join from ANYWHERE!

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